Chad Feature Articles
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Chad Feature Articles

Informative articles to support business buyers, franchisees, and franchisors in Chad.

Lessons from U.S. Special Forces preparedness training for coping with Covid-19.
  • Chad Storlie
  • 6,006 Reads 52 Shares
New study from UNH ranks 130 countries for social franchising potential.
  • Eddy Goldberg
  • 4,183 Reads 9 Shares
Hundreds of franchise development professionals gathered in Atlanta this past September for the annual Franchise Leadership & Development Conference (FLDC), one of the year's must-attend events for brands looking to improve their sales, share ideas, and learn more about today's best practices in franchisee recruitment.
  • Kerry Pipes & Eddy Goldberg
  • 5,177 Reads
Franchise Update mystery shoppers posing as qualified prospects identified a stellar group of franchise companies for best practices in lead generation, follow-up, and recruitment.
  • Debbie Selinsky
  • 6,084 Reads
As savvy franchise companies continue to flourish in a volatile economy, FUSR continues to bring you good news each month, highlighting brands that are adding units, increasing comp store sales, striking deals with investors, innovating, and continuing to grow, whether domestically or overseas.
  • Eddy Goldberg
  • 5,549 Reads 189 Shares
In franchising, no one has to be reminded of the importance of making deals and signing fabulous new franchisees. But unless you actually open new units, inking the deal is only part of the story. This important distinction--between units sold and units opened--led us to examine six franchises that grew by more than 100 units between 2005 and 2006 and ask them how they did it.
  • Debbie Selinsky
  • 3,654 Reads 25 Shares

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